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Transform your INNER WORLD

When you cannot change the things around you, life forces you to change the things within you.

As a mindset coach focused on personal development & inner work training, I have professional coaching certification, intuitive gifts, and 10+ years experience in helping people profoundly improve happiness in their lives. I use a body-mind-spirit philosophy to well-being. My mission is to coach middle age adults to improve ‘flow’ in their life by helping them find clarity and direction with life purpose and relationship problems. My purpose is to guide people into self-actualization, which simply means developing you into your fullest potential while living a life full of meaning and contentment. I use multiple modalities within my sessions including coaching, teaching, intuitive counselling, meditation, reiki, and angelic healing so a person can shift and uplift their mental, emotional, and spiritual states.


services i offer



Get clarity & support for a single concern

For impromptu, intermittent, and general coaching tune-ups intended to help you identify blind spots, clear emotional blocks, balance your energy flow, think more clearly, feel more openly, revitalize your life force energy, get clarity about your next step, and move forward in life.

Realign your brain-heart coherence so you can see a clear path forward. Enhance connection in your relationships. Improve the ‘flow’ within your life.




6-week one-on-one program designed to help you improve your relationship with self. Unwind sabotaging behaviors and clear limiting beliefs. Overcome inner conflict and turmoil. Balance and heal your body, mind, and soul. Identify who you really are. Increase self-awareness and understanding. Continuously grow, improve, and be your best self. Be supported and guided in your life journey.

What you’ll discover:

  • Determine what you need to make you genuinely happy.

  • Figure out how and why you mentally/emotionally behave in certain ways.

  • Improve your communication skills and build better relationships.

  • Better understand who you are and what drives you. Become your own best friend.

  • Develop the confidence to find your voice, self-advocate, and influence others.

  • Find clarity, direction, and certainty in your goals and purpose. Improve the ‘flow’ within your life. Open channels of manifesting abundance.

This program is your roadmap to help you be your best self.



flow into relaxation & balance

A traditional reiki session including energy balancing, chakra clearing, and emotional releasing which promotes general well-being. Switch your fight or flight stress system off and turn on your body's natural rest and relaxation parasympathetic system which stimulates healing and restoration. Feel more connected to self and open to ‘flow’. Leave feeling lighter, clearer, balanced, tranquil, and relaxed.


Why Choose me as your coaching partner

My coaching style is unlike any you know. I combine teaching, coaching, and intuitive counselling with meditation, Reiki, and energy healing. With my proven coaching techniques, expert belief-reframing process, accountability tools, exceptional relationship expertise, elevated intuition, and body-mind-soul approach, I’ve helped hundreds of clients improve their lives.

I have a proven track record of giving clients objective feedback, while unwinding their negative patterns so they get farther and in less time than they could on their own.

After working with me, clients clear a path to let their guard down, develop meaningful relationships, deepen connection with others, or simply fall in love with themselves. They always find clarity, connection, or certainty after each session.


do you have blind spots?

Not moving forward in your relationship?
Unclear what your next step is?
Do you emit more masculine energy than feminine?
Hate asking for help? Feel uncomfortable receiving it?
Do you put yourself down?
Do you seek approval?
Are you afraid of being rejected?
Do you hate being wrong or looking stupid?
Do you struggle to relax?
Do you like to depend only on yourself and keep most people at arm’s length?
Do you hate conflict and try avoid it? Are you too agreeable?
Is it difficult to receive gifts or compliments?
Do you compare yourself to others? Feel inadequate?
Are you afraid or uncomfortable to speak your truth?
Are you a bit negative or pessimistic?

If you answered yes, you have blind spots. Let’s eliminate them.


 Benefits of working with me

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frequently asked questions

What does a personal development coach do?

I support individuals in learning vital skills for self-improvement including how to have better relationships with themselves, their loved ones, and with a romantic partner. You will develop improved conflict resolution and communication skills along with other strategies and understandings of how to deepen intimacy, connection, and joy with the important people in your life. I guide and support you as an advisor in your life journey.

Who do You work with?

I primarily work with middle-aged clients who struggle to be vulnerable and let their guard down. My clients don’t need conventional mental health ‘therapy’, but instead need some guidance and education on how to have better relationships with self, their partner, and their colleagues. I work with clients who appreciate a holistic body-mind-soul approach to health and healing.

Do you see couples?

I work with couples individually but not together in a session. This is not couples counselling trying to mend broken relationships. This is training and education to improve yourself to be a better partner. You will learn what humans require in relationships which will help you better understand yourself and your romantic partner.

why should i consider coaching?

If you ever feel inner battles and outer struggles but can’t resolve them on your own, I can help advise, teach, and guide you through it so you get farther and in less time. Time is precious. You don’t want to waste life running in circles repeating negative patterns. Having a coach as a trusted advisor helps you see things you can’t see on your own so you can break through limits, achieve goals, find deeper meaning in life, and create deeper connection in relationships.

Your step-by-step guide to revolutionize your relationship with self.

In my book, you will discover how to become your own best friend so you can begin to let your guard down, let people in, communicate more effectively, improve your relationships, and feel genuinely happy.