Are you asking yourself: What is the point of life?


Video Transcript

Have you ever had that moment where you stop and realize that you’re just going through the same motions day in and day out and find yourself asking, what’s the point of my life? Is this it? 
Do you then feel bad because you think I have house over my head and a family who loves me? Isn’t’ that enough? What's wrong with me?

If you can relate to this, I want to tell you something...

Please take into consideration that you might be asking the wrong question. Rather than asking yourself what’s the point of my life, ask yourself this, 

I’ll be honest this may be a difficult question, with difficult solutions, but this question will help you lead a more fulfilling and happier life.  
Now I’d like to ask you to do something. Grab a piece of paper and then make two columns. On one side write down what’s ‘right’ with me? On the other side write down what’s ‘wrong’ with me. Then brainstorm and assess.

After you do this, recognize that what’s wrong with you is NOT something broken. In fact there is nothing wrong with you. This column is actually what’s right with you. You;ve just been holding yourself back because you haven't acquired the necessary information or support needed to experience a better life yet? So instead ask yourself, what can I do to acquire more information or support in this area? 

The key is to stop focusing on your lack of achievement and instead keep persisting to seek valuable information and support even if it takes a hundred times. We only fail when we stop trying.  

So Keep asking. Keep persisting. Appreciate that as a human sometimes you have to give and sometimes you have to receive. Sometimes we need someone to help us get focused, keep us accountable, and offer encouragement and insight. And that’s okay.
Life is not about getting caught up in the achieving, attaining, being perfect and doing everything yourself...

it’s about feeling and experiencing it with others. So ask yourself, are you currently ‘experiencing’ life to its fullest? To affirm your response answer this question, over the past 5 years, what was your greatest accomplishment?

If you can think of something was it a goal you attained or was it a journey you experienced? Think on that for a moment.
Now can you think of 5 or 10 experiences you are proud of?  If not, I’m going to be direct, if you continue on your path and make no changes; those 5 years will quickly turn into 10 then 15.

And do you know the number one regret of the dying?
It’s not wishing I had more money. It’s not wishing I was thinner. It’s not wishing I worked more hours. 
It’s this...I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

I'll just leave you with this, do you want to wait until your death bed to learn your regrets? If not, don't be afraid to seek out solutions to the things holding you back from experiencing a happy and fulfilled life.

Christine Waldner