Lost joy, enthusiasm, and passion for your life?

If you are feeling empty with a broken or lost ‘soul’, the inner-despair and negative inner-critic trickles down into your life negatively impacting your behaviour causing conflict, arguments, and tension in your relationships both at home and at work. Left unaddressed it can eventually even lead to an emotional breakdown or irreparable ruined relationships – getting divorced, sidelined, and even fired.  

Feeling this way can be difficult and embarrassing to talk about especially if the other person doesn’t relate or understand it. They’ll say you have a good life and nothing to complain about. You’ll hear things like, ‘let it go’, ‘move on’, or ‘try exercise and meditate more’.  You want to respond with, “Thanks genius, you’re so #$@&%*! smart, why didn’t I think of that?” The problem goes deeper than that.

Typically, a broken soul is related to the inability to answer these three questions... 

“Who am I? What makes me happy? What is the meaning of my life?”

Take a moment now to ask yourself these questions. 
Tough ones, I know.  If you don’t know the answers you aren’t alone. I have yet to meet someone who can answer these questions on the spot if they’ve never done any self-discovery work. But wouldn’t you like to know the answers? 

Now take a moment to check in with yourself on these:

  1. Desire to quit a good job to seek a new career.
  2. Unexplained bouts of depression when doing tasks that used to make you happy.
  3. Changing or investigating religions, churches or new age philosophy.
  4. Change of habits. Activities which used to bring pleasure now are boring. Unable to complete or concentrate on tasks which used to be easy.
  5. Excessively buying new clothes, desiring to get into physical shape, and taking more time to look good. Or on the other spectrum, not caring at all what you look like and going months without haircuts or shaving, wearing torn old clothes, and never taking the time to properly groom oneself. 
  6. Wanting to escape and move away to somewhere new.
  7. A desire or obsession to renovate and constantly change decor or houses.
  8. Irritability, unexpected anger, burnout, constantly yelling.
  9. Distancing (mentally or physically) family or feeling trapped in current family relationships. (desiring a divorce or thoughts of cheating)
  10. Looking into the mirror and no longer recognizing yourself.
  11. Looking to always be right and justifying yourself over looking for ways to compromise.
  12. Only accepting people that your ego approves of and dismissing everyone else.
  13. Repeatedly making the same mistakes over and over.

This checklist is associated with signs of a midlife crisis and a lost soul. Think on that for a moment. A midlife crisis is not a label for a 50 year old who buys a new red sport car. A midlife crisis typically occurs when someone is uncertain of their meaning in life or feels a broken 'soul'. 

A broken 'soul' and meaningless life can cause suffering because your life model is inconsistent to your life experience. Are you wondering if you are just going through a rough phase of life or are you suffering from lacking a sense of identity?

Signs of an undeveloped sense of identity:

  • You are a chameleon and change with your environment.
  • Relationships mould you.
  • You often have radical shifts in your opinion.
  •  You don’t like being asked about yourself.
  •  You get bored easily.
  •  Your relationships don’t run deep.
  • Deep down you don’t trust yourself.

If you want to finally figure out the reason for your existence and resolve your broken 'soul', then you have some tough work to do.

Here’s what you can do next...

If this checklist resounds with you at all, trust I’ve been in your shoes. I know what emotional pain feels like. I’d love to talk more with you to discuss what isn’t specifically working for you if you are up for it.

By clicking on the button below you’ll see my calendar and have the option to book a time to have a one-on-one conversation with me. No fees. No commitment. Just a conversation for you to check in with yourself.

That’s it.

Trust this will be the BEST time you ever spent working on YOU.

Again, please click on the button above to schedule a conversation with me to explore if you might benefit from doing some self-discovery work.

Christine Waldner