I JUMPED Today!!


Granted, physically, it was only 4 inches off the ground onto the treadmill but mentally, well mentally, I moved fricking big hairy ass mountains.

I want to come clean and share with you something today.

Yesterday I told you I dropped all my happiness habits the past 4 weeks because I was too busy with marketing...peeps call me out on my BS going forward from now.

That was the story I told myself. And the danger was that I really believed it. The truth under all that goes back to the styles of emotional eating checklist I posted. The truth is my style is SELF-ESTEEM. While immersed in marketing I had new territory to break. I knew who I was as Christine, but I didn't know who I was as a coach. Who would have thought I'd have to go deeper but I did.

So while in the trenches of marketing I would tell myself stories...you don't know how to edit videos...must mean you aren't good enough...you don't know how to attract clients...must mean there is something wrong with you...you don't know how to post FB messages...you aren't cut out for this...

All those stories did was create a terrible complex in self-esteem.

Moral of the story...I didn't want to work on my happiness habits because deep down I didn't think I was worth the effort. And sometimes it feels like moving mountains to overcome that story.

I have goals and not meeting them makes me think I suck.

The reality is I didn't meet my specific expectations, and while I was so focused on not achieving, I overlooked the fact that I did crush my fear and go on live TV. I worked through the tears of not wanting to learn how to edit videos and started over from scratch when the computer crashed. I FIGURED OUT WHO I AM AS A COACH.

And so when I sat on the bed today debating whether I should even bother putting on my workout clothes, bother getting on the treadmill, bother getting on the floor to do yoga....

I realized that I had to stop the stories crushing my self-esteem and change it. I took control of the steering wheel. I am worth it. 

And whether you see it yet or not, know you, too, are worth the effort!!

So do something you've been procrastinating or resisting and jump through that comfort zone into new growth territory.

Lots of love to you!!

Christine Waldner