Pain is indication of growth, NOT punishment.

Emotional pain is indication of growth, NOT punishment. It's on the outside edge of our comfort zone where growth occurs and with discomfort comes pain. 

Emotional pain is often the effect felt when the universe blows down your house of cards. But it's not anything personal. It’s your signal to build your life on stable foundation. It’s actually a blessing in disguise because under the pain is great learning to be had. Soul-level learning.

The universe does not hand out participation ribbons just for showing up. That’s a false illusion of expectation we humans have created – hand out ribbons to avoid pain.

The reality is that we are meant to embrace pain - to welcome it as our opportunity to learn rather than thinking we should run away or crawl in a hole to avoid it.

The way the universe works is that you don’t get handed a ribbon for participation, but you do get handed a ribbon of reward for your ‘aha’s’ and your moments of epiphany.  It’s not until you fully learn step one that the universe opens the door for you to move to step two. It’s called the spiritual Law of Process – a law governed by nature. A repeat of the same pain will occur until the life lesson attached is learned.

Just as we cannot regulate winter storms, gravity, or volcanic eruptions, we cannot control the Law of Process.

So instead of cursing at the universe for not giving you things on a silver platter the way you wished it so, appreciate the pain as the universe’s way of realigning you to your soul’s path. Know there is a greater lesson and more fulfilling experience to be had that surpasses anything you can think of now.

In moments of pain, rather than asking questions such as: Why me? What did I do to deserve this?

Ask this instead: What is great about this? How is this making me better? What do I need to learn?

Start to ask better questions, and you will start to get better results. 

PS...If you have been feeling emotional pain, know that you are on your path of spiritual GROWTH!

Christine Waldner